Keeping that in mind, wouldn’t you be willing to spend a few hours walking around your home with a highly trained technician from Schneider Roofing while he evaluates your home and your roof—especially if it could enhance your family’s comfort and safety? I’m sure you would agree that would be a good use of your time.
Your home’s roof can change over the course of a year. You would be amazed to know how much it can shift, alter, and even begin to breakdown. Sometimes changes can present safety concerns you wouldn’t know about… if not for a highly trained technician’s eye. Knowing how much your home’s roof can change in a year, we recommend that you have your roof completely inspected at least once a year. Often it may not even take two hours. But at the end of that short amount of time, you’ll receive a report on the shape of your roof. You’ll learn of any sections that should be “watched” and you’ll know if it’s in 100% proper working condition.